“Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone else’s survival guide.” — Morgan Harper Nichols2RUE COLOURS is a platform created by Sipho Ndlovu. The platform gives people an opportunity to personal stories with the world. Writing and sharing a personal story can be a profound experience for the storyteller as well as for those reading. Stories about our personal experiences can awaken our awareness, stretch our hearts, and help us heal.
2RUE COLOURS aims to do all of these things—and by connecting emotionally with these stories, you may also become more in touch with the human experience. By finding the strength to be open about yourselves and your struggles, you may provide comfort to others facing similar challenges while simultaneously reducing your own sense of loneliness.
Examples of Themes/topics you could use to write your:
For a life story, focusing on a theme can help you organize your thoughts, your life events, and experiences. It can help you focus on those “key life-history” moments that matter most to the reader.
Here are ten themes you can focus on:
- Defining moment. Remember that life-changing event? If something different had happened or you would have made a different choice, what would your life be like today?
- Regrets. If you could go back and change one life decision, what would it be? How do you think your life would be different today if you could? If you don’t have major regrets, another way to look at this is to consider your mistakes in life—big and small—what you learned from them, and how you can pass on that wisdom by telling the stories around the mistakes.
- Fears. What are you afraid of? What have you avoided because of those fears? How have you overcome your fears, and how did that change your life?
- Relationships. Remember your first heartbreak? Frist serious relationship? Losing your virginity? Meeting the parents? Paying lobola or getting married?
- Body. How has health or sickness affected your life? Have you overcome any significant physical challenges?
- Death. What was your first experience with death? How did it change you? How do you feel about your own mortality? A near-death experience
- Religion. How has your religion, or lack of it, made you who you are? Write about where your beliefs come from and how they have changed over the years.
- Family. What makes your family unique? What was it like growing up with them? How did it affect you as an adult? Best and worst childhood memories
- Goals or dreams. What major goals have you made and met in your life? What dreams did you go for (or wait patiently for), and how did that journey turn out?
- Travel. Where have you traveled? How have those places shaped your worldview?
There are many things you can choose to focus on, but this list should get you started. After all, it’s your story, you are the one person who can decide which theme will best help define and illuminate your life experiences and the lessons you hope to teach.
Email us your story: siphodjmp@gmail.com
WhatsApp us your story, text or voice note: 063 207 3730
You must be 18 and over to get our story published
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