Mental Health check during COVID-19

According to the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), 1 in 6 South Africans suffers from mental illness. Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses.

As South Africa is currently in a nationwide lockdown to try and eradicate the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), numerous people are living through feelings of uncertainty, depression, and loneliness.

While these feelings are completely normal, given the unprecedented nature of the situation. It is important for everybody – especially those who are predisposed to mental health conditions – to learn how to cope and manage any added stress being experienced. 
We should not only look after our own mental health during the lockdown but also check in to ensure that family and friends are doing the same.

These are unprecedented times, and everybody is going to react in different ways. It’s important for people who may be feeling more stressed, depressed, or anxious than usual, to know that there are ways to help manage this, and people to turn to for support. 

Don’t suffer alone. Learn more about depression

Produced by Sipho Ndlovu 

Expert: Dr. Marnie Vujovic, clinical psychologist 



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